Oh the beauty of a tan! It’s that moment to show off some skin! We are all anxious to get our Summer tan on, regardless of the little chill we may still feel lingering around. Summer is making its way and we want to make sure we can show off our beautifully tanned skin.


4 Suggestions for a Safer, More Even Tan

Skincare is our thing. So we love to share helpful tips about it. Obviously, baking in the sun is not helpful for anti-aging and hyper-pigmentation, but here are 4 of the best tips we can give for a healthier, more even tan.

  1. Check the best time to tan
  2. The Azimuth Table provided by the USNO provides us with a great resource for checking the best time to get the least amount of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin D doesn’t exist much when harmful rays are present.

  3. Exfoliate
  4. A good exfoliation will help clear way for newer, fresher skin. Rays don’t have to try to penetrate through dead skin, causing possible blotchiness and so much more. A longer lasting, more even tan can be achieved when it’s on fresh new skin, rather than dead skin.

  5. Protection
  6. UV-neutralizerIf you plan on making it a long day, especially when you’ve got children, be sure to get fully prepared. Your usual sunscreen may not protect as well as you hope. Remember that sunscreens always have to be reapplied after 2 to 3 hours, especially when you’re exposed to water.

    Be sure you have a UV Neutralizer that doesn’t just enhance your tan, but it also protects you from burning. This MUST be added on before your sunscreen. It will allow you to tan more effectively (be sure to ask us more about it if you know you’ll be spending a lot of days under the sun).

  7. Move Around and Wear a Hat or Go Under the Shade a Few Times
  8. Be sure not to forget to move around as much as you can. You don’t have to lay on one side or the other all day. Doing activities like playing volleyball, building sand castles, and getting in and out of the water will help the sun’s rays get as much of your body as it could.

    Being directly under the sun all day could get your melanin production working overtime. Give it time to rest a bit by having “shade time.” This will help your tan last longer and with less of a likelihood to get a sunburn.

Yes, we love healthy skin, but we love the glow from a tan as well. Hopefully these tips will help!